·Firms scramble to cope with Montreal port lockout... 2010-7-26
·Hamburg Sud to Launch North Europe-Israel Loop... 2010-7-19
·Maersk ups Hong Kong flagged ships, becomes major local owner... 2010-8-2
·KMTC, Sinotrans to run new Korea-China-Indonesia service ... 2010-8-2
·CMA CGM takes deliveries of mega ships for Europe/Asia routes ... 2010-8-2
·SCI of India to charter three box ships until new ones arrive ... 2010-8-9
·Formosa defers VLCCs following Mailiao fire... 2010-8-9
·Lloyd’s adds sanctions clause 2010-8-9
·Improving box business boosts OOIL results... 2010-8-9
·Panalpina and Cargill renew collaboration ... 2010-7-5

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