·Swee Joo defaults on debt 2010-9-6
·Yang Ming posts first half earnings of $85m... 2010-9-13
·China's shipbuilding volume up 87.4% in first seven months of 2010... 2010-8-16
·Rates start to fall as new capacity makes space easier to find... 2010-9-20
·Double-digit US imports coming to an end 2010-7-12
·APS and Zebra partner for Gulf Stevedoring ... 2010-7-19
·Ferry operator ICG posts Q3 earnings rise to €25mln... 2010-11-22
·Foul play suspected in Strait of Hormuz MOL tanker bombing ... 2010-8-2
·Yangzijiang Shipbuilding approved to issue TDRs... 2010-7-26
·India's state-owned Concor profit off 3.5pc in first quarter... 2010-7-26

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