·Newbuilding deliveries to soften freight rates by year-end ... 2010-8-23
·OECD sees box trade rising 10pc this year and 10pc next... 2010-9-13
·Deliveries of newbuildings add 200,000 TEU in July... 2010-7-26
·Wärtsilä and Ecospec team up on clean power... 2010-10-8
·Singapore Malaysia plan one-stop shopping customs station ... 2010-12-7
·INTTRA acquires multi-carrier track & trace, booking patents ... 2010-10-18
·Somali pirates continue to threaten 2011-1-4
·Hopes fade for missing crew in rough South China Sea... 2010-12-7
·Evergreen transfers four 8,000-TEU ships to subsidiaries ... 2010-11-8
·Containerships have upper hand in coming reefer war: Drewry... 2010-9-29

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